[Rerun] Not Your Mountain! – ATOC94RR
Oops, we did it again. Another rerun. But Matt has...
Food Burger – ATOC121
The guys discuss Cullen's dad and his suspected pastimes. Also,...
[RERUN] Focus Features World – ATOC104RR
Our first rerun in the history of the show. Deal...
Homemade Cannons – ATOC120
The guys have a lumberjack-inspired brew over discussion on the...
Selfie Safety – ATOC119
The guys try another hard root beer over a remarkable...
Evil Jar Jar

The Phantom Menace?

The guys choke down a new variety of an old beverage foe over discussion about underwear and the recent Star Wars fan theory that has shaken the fanbase to its core in an episode sponsored by Martha’s Leftovers.